SIA Expert

Jan Korsanke


Areas of Expertise: User Research; User Experience Design; Prototyping; Digital Product Development; Coaching & Facilitation methods; Idea Development & Innovation Processes

„Oh, hi! I’m Jan, an experienced UX & Service Design professional.

As an experienced creative and leader, I have a deep understanding and experience in digital product design, its processes and methods. This allows me to research and create meaningful interactions, services or products for you and your users. 
A history of complex and interdisciplinary environments enable me to get familiar, navigate and create meaningful impact in new contexts and challenges quickly.“

Jan can support you on multiple areas when it comes to digital products. Starting by user research and defining a first user group, to conceptualise a product/service to scoping of a first prototype to validate critical hypotheses.

It’s important for Jan to put humans and the planet ahead of platforms and technology, so that we can build meaningful experiences that are resilient while having a positive impact on humans and planet earth. That’s also the main reason he’s involved as an ‚Expert for Change‘.


SIA Expert Jan Korsanke User Experience and Service Designer Freelancer